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The Minister's Message

April, 2021

A Devotional Message from Pastor Devnath


I give thanks to my Almighty GOD who loves and blesses me and is using me for His kingdom. I thank you, Lord, for the outstanding privilege to share some things from your Holy Word.


In Philippians 2:5-11 "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus . who being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a servant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death upon a cross. Therefore, God also has highly exalted Him, and given Him the name which is above every name. That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of those in heaven and of those on earth and of those under the earth. And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."


TOPIC: Live Your Life like Jesus Christ


In this passage Paul refers to Jesus as the perfect example of what it means for a follower of Christ to think of others. Jesus demonstrates what true selfless living life looks like day to day. Paul teaches us to not be motivated by selfish ambition.


As I meditated on (Ph 2:5-11) I found five aspects in this passage about Christ’s life which pleased God, and which should be in a follower of Jesus as we work in the kingdom of God. Jesus is always a good example for us to expand His kingdom. Here are those five aspects:


Jesus is humble.


Jesus began with humility before coming to this earth and was humble all the way to the cross. Jesus pleased God, His Father, as well as others more than He did Himself. Jesus gave up heaven to come to earth not only as a  person , but He chose to do it as a bond slave and servant to others.  And there is even more.  He willingly submitted Himself to death, and even a horrendous death on a cross. What a great Lord we serve that He did not speak nor deserve such a death, but rather made Himself humble to the point of death even on the cross.


Jesus is sacrificial.


Jesus willingly gave up everything in light of God and in service to all mankind. He did not have to have it all. He willingly chose to come to earth as a servant from existing in the form of God to taking on the likeness of mankind. He did not have to keep the glories of throne room of God in such a way that kept Him from choosing to come to earth.

Why? We needed him as the second Adam to come in order to be our substitutionary atonement, the innocent Lamb slain, and willingly bearing on Himself the wrath of GOD so we do not have to do so. He sacrificially became obedient unto the death for all mankind!


Jesus is purpose.


Jesus lived life with purpose. HE IS the perfect example of living life on purpose earlier in this text. Paul challenges all believers to live with one mind with one purpose in one accord.

Our goal is to live worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ together. We are to strive together, even in the midst of suffering, for the gospel of Jesus Christ with one purpose:  living together pulling in the same direction. Jesus demonstrated this for His followers. Dear all let us live on this earth with purpose.


Jesus is obedient.


Jesus demonstrated what is true obedience look like even to the point of death.  And understand this –not just death –but shameful death on the cross in front of mockers and scoffers in public. The perfect Son of God willingly obeyed the will of God the Father to become the sinless substitute and take on Himself the wrath of God for the sin of all mankind and even for you, dear reader.


Jesus is patient.


Jesus did not live for His own glory on the earth, He chose to wait and serve as a bond servant. Jesus suffered under all the same pressures that you and I do. He endured every temptation day after day. He also underwent the struggles of living in a sin-cursed world. It was even greater than you and I have ever experienced as He was the specific target of all Satan and the force of evil could muster at Him: yet He preserved. He waited on God’s timing.

Why? Because He was willingly to wait until the end, when God places His name of Jesus Christ so that every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God!


My dear one, as we all are followers of Jesus Christ so let us bear these five characteristics our daily life to please GOD the FATHER. Dear one, live a life with humbleness, live a life with sacrifice, live a life with purpose, live a life with obedience, live a life with patience.  May the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit help you to please GOD with these characteristics! Be a living sacrifice for the Lord everyday!



Pastor Devnath







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