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The Minister's Message

March 2021


A spiritual message from Pastor Rakesh

Praise the Lord!


Greetings to you all in the sweet name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!


Text: Romans 12:1-3


Topic- “Do not be conformed to the world”.


I would like to start with a small bit of wisdom that I learned in my college days. I was in my second year of my masters, and I bought a laptop for study. After study I started spending time playing some games. I used to play a game called “Call of Duty” and was a mission related game. I saw my enemy coming from behind and captured my player, my player was surrendering (submitting) himself to him, and the game is over. I therefore lost the game.


Dear people of God, in the world, when we submit ourselves to worldly ways, we are so very lost! We conform to the world with its sinful ways and ignore the Lord! But when we submit ourselves into the hands of the Lord, we win the   battle by transforming ourselves into Christ’s image with His help and overcome the world as Jesus did!


Submitting ourselves into the Hands of the Lord:


The scripture says in Romans 12:1 to submit ourselves completely into the hands of the Lord. First it says submit your body as a “Living” and “Holy” sacrifice acceptable to God. As our body is the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwells in it, God wants our body to be living our life as a holy sacrifice to the Lord every day.  By seeking God’s will and performing it while obeying the Word of God, we keep our body temple clean for the Lord, and His work for us. Many times, we try to connect with God in our senses and our thoughts, thinking that He is around us but let me you that He is not only around, but rather He is in us, dwelling in his Holy temple, your body, which lives daily to do His work!


The people' who have yet not submitted their bodies for the Lord and yet are not one with him in the Spirit, commit sin against their body. They are conformed to the world.  When you accept Jesus, you are being transformed into becoming a living and Holy sacrifice. The Bible says we have become one with God. As a husband and wife are one body in love, so we are in God one.


Therefore, remember that we have to keep our body living by God’s word and Holy for the Holy Spirit dwelling in us.

Dear people of God, there where twelve only people who believed in God, and they made the world upside down with the Good News, it was in the first century that was their time. We live in the 21st century and believe in the same God, it’s our time to make the world upside down and that can only be done if we have Christ in us and the live as a Living and Holy sacrifice for Him.


May the Lord bless you and help you to submit your bodies as a living and holy sacrifices to the Lord.



Pastor Rakesh







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